Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bungee Jumping off the world's HIGHEST bungee bridge!!

So today we arrived at the world’s highest bungee bridge!!  This is not a joke… this bungee bridge is in the Guinness book of world records!! J  And guess what?? Yep, we both jumped off of it!! We showed up and I was freaking out!!  I kept saying “As long as I see someone go before me I will be fine.”  Just looking at the bridge made my stomach turn! It is SOOO high and was just absolutely crazy to look at the bridge and know we would soon be jumping off of it!! We paid, got harnessed up, and went straight to the bridge because we were in the first group.  We had to walk along this path underneath the bridge to get to the platform and I was already shaking with fear just walking this path.  Did I mention that this path is SUPER HIGH (same as the bridge) it is see through and has wires with holes in it on all sides, and moves beneath your feet when you walk??  I walked super slow and was so scared of this pathway!!  We get to the platform and I saw that my friend Beka was crying.  I asked her why she was craying and she said because they told her she was going first.  I was like man.. that sucks.. Then they give us a little talk and say ok “J13 is up first.”  So I look down at my hand and I AM J13!!! So…. Then I started crying (involuntarily).  It is just such a crazy/scary feeling and I was so scared and hadn’t been able to see a single person jump off the bridge yet!  I knew I couldn’t back out of going first out of the whole group, so I sucked it up (with the help of Joey’s comfort) and got harnessed up!  Then I went up to the platform and JUMPED!!!  It was such a CRAZY feeling free falling off of that bridge for somewhere between 5-10 seconds.  The scenery was ABSOLUTELY beautiful and it was just SO fun!!  One after another, our group was jumping.  Then it was Joey’s turn!! J  He wasn’t scared AT ALL!! Crazy boy!! He went up to the platform and JUMPED!!  His jump was SOOO good!  Then after he jumped and got to the bottom he was doing a little fist-pump action!!  We both just had a blast! We bought our videos and can’t wait to show everyone back home!  They are pretty awesome! J

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